Welcome to Year 6

Miss Smith and Mrs Okon make up the Year 6 staff team this year.

Autumn Term


This half-term the children will be focusing on enhancing their narrative writing. We will be exploring Rooftoppers by Katherine Rundell and using the structure to inspire us to write our own stories. Throughout all aspects of writing, we will be focusing on sentence structure, grammar and punctuation. In the second half of the Autumn term we will be focusing our skills on writing a historical narrative based on Berlie Doherty's book 'Treason'


In Maths, we will be looking at using structures to help with problem solving. We will also be working hard on Arithmetic, which we will focus on daily. Moving into the second half of the Autumn term we will be focusing on numbers up to 10,000,00 and drawing, composing and decomposing shapes.


We begin our new term with a focus on P.S.H.E, where the children will be exploring their aspirations for the end of Year 6 and for their future. The children will be attending a careers fair in school, having the opportunity to speak to various people in a variety of different professions. These include a project manager, a journalist as well as an NHS nurse.

We will then turn to our Geography investigation as we explore the cities of Paris and Manchester. We will be comparing both physical and human features as well as examining how these cities have changed over time.

In the second half of the term we will be studying History, with our main focus on Henry the VIII, we will be examining different types of evidence, working on our retrieval skills and investigating the reliability of sources. 


This term our Science focus will be living things and light and reflection. We will be looking at living things and their habitats, analysing classification tables and looking at how living things are categorised. We will then turn to investigate light and reflection.



Spring Term

The book which we will be focusing on this half term is ‘Storm breaker’ by Anthony Horowitz. During the unit we will be focusing on developing our skills in editing and peer assessment and proofreading for errors and spelling mistakes.

We will also be continuing our SPaG work, revising key areas of grammar and punctuation.

We will be continuing to work on our inference skills during our reading sessions and    we will be developing our writing skills with a focus on writing a mystery narrative as well as an explanation text.

In the second half of the term we will be reading the book Goodnight Mister Tom and using the text to help inspire us with our own narrative writing. We will also be writing diary entries based on our History topic and the life of Anne Frank. 


This half term we will be looking at drawing,composing and decomposing shapes as well as multiplication and division. We will be looking at a range of reasoning and problems solving skills as we start preparing for the questions posed by the Maths SATs. In the second half of the spring term we will turn to look at area, perimeter, position and direction as well as fractions and percentages. 


In our Geography work we will be developing our mapping skills. We  will be examining relief maps and temperature maps as well as looking at 6 figure grid references and the 8 points of the compass. In the second half of the term our History work will focus on the life of Anne Frank, we will be examining sources and discussing their reliability as well as looking at different interpretations of the past. 


In our Science work we will be studying Evolution and Inheritance as we learn about the characteristics that are inherited and those that are environmental. We will be looking through the eyes of Darwin and Wallace, understanding how observations lead to theories. In the second half of the term we will turn our focus to batteries, circuits and switches. 


Summer Term


This half-term the children will be creating their own non-fiction text based on the fictional planet Pandora. Our focuses will be varying sentence openers, high quality punctuation (such as colons & semi-colons) and using adverbial and prepositional phrases. We will then be moving on to look at playscripts in the second half of the term and writing our own.


This half term we will be looking at calculating using our knowledge of structures as well as using bar models to represent and solve problems with two unknowns. We will also be looking at calculating the mean and the order of operations. 


In our theme work, we will be focusing on Geography, where we will explain what palm oil is, how it is used, as well as explaining the benefits and negative points of producing the product. We will also be exploring global trade and looking at where the UK exports to and why. In the second half of the term we will be exploring the Vikings in our History work.


In Science, we will be looking at circulation and health. We will be studying the human circulatory system, learning about the role of the heart, blood and blood vessels using models to help us explain.


Useful Websites


Year 6

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