Welcome to Year 3

Mrs Eddleston and Mrs Parkhouse make up our Year 3 Team.

Autumn Term 2024


Our key text will be ‘Red and the City’ by Marie Voigt. We will focus on expanded noun phrases, coordinating conjunctions and using inverted commas to punctuate speech. The children will write their own version of the story over the half term. We will also look at non-chronological reports towards the end of the half term. Reading Children will be read with in school on a regular basis. We really encourage reading at home at least three times a week if possible. If you could update reading records when you read with them at home, that would be great!


In maths, we will be exploring adding three numbers together and understanding that addition can be done in any order. We will also be adding and subtracting across 10. Later on in the half term, we will be looking at numbers to 1,000. Times tables will be a big focus for us this year and we will focus in particular on our 2s, 4s and 8s. 


We will begin our theme lessons with PSHE and we will be thinking about our aspirations for both this year and the future. Our geography theme this half term is focused on counties in the North West of England. Within this theme we will conduct some map work exploring where the counties are. We will also learn some of the key physical and human features of the different counties. Fieldwork will be a part of this topic and we will visit Godley Reservoir during the half term to enrich our geographical enquiry skills.

Useful Websites





Year 3

Updated: 05/09/2024 188 KB