Welcome to Year 1

Mrs Gates and Miss Shaw make up our Year One team.

Spring Term Term 2025


This half term we are focusing on the key text "Katie In London" by James Mayhew. The text will provide our stimulus to develop our use of adjectives and descriptive writing, as we plan and writ our own adventure stories! The text links nicely to our Geography topic where we will be exploring the four countries of the United Kingdom and their capital cities. We will continue to focus on develop sentence structure, including captial letters, finger spaces and full stops in our writing, as well as developing our use of the conjunction "and" to link ideas.

Our reading text this half term is "Wild" by Emily Hughes. We will be using this text to support our ability to make predictions and inferences about a story, developing our skills in speaking and listening and understanding what we have read.

Phonics sessions continue to take place on a daily basis. We are focusing on alternative vowel digraphs and trigraphs, learning some simple spelling rules and practising making choices about which vowel digraph to use in our writing. We are continuing to focus on fluency and recognising high frequency words on sight.



Our maths lessons will focus on recognising, sorting, composing and decomposing 2d and 3d shapes. Shapes will be used for purpose and we will develop our reasoning skills around how shapes can be categorised and constructed. Later in the half term we will be focsuing on numbers to 10, including how to partition the numbers systematically.



Our Geography lessons will be focusing on the United Kingdom. We will be learning about the four different countries of the UK, their capital cities and some physical and human features. We will be sharing our own experiences of the countries of Great Britain and thinking about places they would most like to visit. We will be using our speaking, listening and reasoning skills to explain our ideas and opinions.

Autumn Term 2024


We will be reading traditional tales to inspire our learning this term. We are focusing on the traditional tale of ‘The Three Little Pigs’. Children will be exploring the events of the story and engaging in drama activities to act out and retell the story, sequence events and write the story in their own words. We will be focusing on aspects of grammar including nouns and verbs, exploring different examples of these kinds of words and practising using them in the correct contexts.

Children will have a daily phonics session and regular handwriting sessions alongside their English lessons. Our phonics sessions will begin by exploring alternative vowel sounds and beginning to differentiate between spelling rules.


This term we will be focusing on counting to 100. We will be counting lots of objects to begin with ensuring 1:1 correspondence and accurate counting. We will be focusing on familiarising ourselves with the pattern of numbers, practising counting on an back from different numbers and recognising patterns in numbers on the hundred square. Children will also learn to count objects by grouping the objects into tens. Children will become familiar with the hundred square and explore the value of 2-digit numbers.


Throughout this term in science children will be learning about seasonal changes.  They will explore the usual types of weather for each season and typical changes in the environment.  Children will use pictograms to explore patterns in the weather and climate and will also learn to record and compare the temperature.

In Geography, we will be exploring our local area of Godley and Hyde. We will learn about different houses and buildings in Godley through fieldwork and looking at maps. We will also find out where Godley is located within the world.

Our PE sessions will focus on netball skills, invasion games and gymnastics this half term.

In Art we will be focusing on the artist Bridget Riley and developing our drawing skills. Children will be experimenting with different lines and using a range of media to plan and design their own version of Riley's painting "Arrest 2".

Year 1

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