Start of the School Day
The school day at Godley Primary starts at 9:00am for all children.
The school doors open at 8.50am and the children are greeted by staff ready to start the school day. Doors are closed promptly at 9.00am.
If any children are late for school, they must report to the main office and be signed in by an adult on the electronic system.
Foundation Stage
In foundation Stage dinnertime is from 11:50am – 12.50pm
The school day for foundation stage ends at 3:30pm, and the children are collected from their classroom doors by an appropriate adult. Please notify the school office if a different adult is collecting your child.
Key Stage 1
In key stage 1 the children have playtime at 10:15am – 10:30am, and dinnertime is from 12.00pm – 1.00pm, they also have an afternoon play which is 10 minutes long and operates on a flexible timetable.
The KS1 children finish school at 3:30pm, and are collected from their classroom doors by an appropriate adult. Please notify school office if a different adult is collecting your child.
Key Stage 2
In Year 3 and Year 4 the children have playtime from 10:15am - 10:30am and dinnertime from 12:15pm-1:15pm.
In Year 5 and Year 6 the children have playtime from 10.30am - 10.45am and dinnertime from 12.15pm-1.15pm.
KS2 children finish school at 3:25pm. Children are collected at the end of the school day from their classroom doors. If Year 5 and Year 6 children have permission to leave school independently please ensure you notify the class teacher via Class Dojo.
Total time per week | 32.5 hours |
Purple Planet - Before and After School Club
Children who attend Purple Planet in the mornings are taken to their classrooms by the staff between 8.50am and 9.00am ready to start the school day.
Children attending Purple Planet after school are escorted by staff and signed into the club. When children are collected from Purple Planet they are signed out on the club register.
After School Clubs
Extra-curricular clubs take place after school 3.30pm-4.30pm. All children are collected from the main school door. Parents/carers of Year 5 or Year 6 children who have permission to walk home alone should notify the club leader. Children who are attending Purple Planet after an extra-curricular club are escorted by the school staff.