Welcome to Year 2

Miss Peacock and Mrs Winterbottom make up the team in Year 2.

Summer Term 2024


The key text for English this term is ‘Lila and the Secret of the Rain’ which is an African folktale.  Children will explore other books on this theme in reading and they will also write their own African folktale using the past tense, lots of descriptive writing and high level vocabulary. 


This half term we will be focusing on Addition and Subtraction of  2-digit numbers progression on to subtracting across a 10  towards the end of the unit.  After this we will be looking at money and then moving on to fractions towards the end of the half term 


In our theme work we will be focusing on Geography, where children will be learning about weather and climate. Children will be keeping a weather diary in school and they will also explore the weather in different  parts of the world.  Children will complete the unit by writing and present their own weather forecasts for a typical day in Africa.


In Science children will be looking at Animal Life Cycles and Health. Here we will identify stages in the life cycles of different animals, including humans and describe the basic survival needs of animals.

Autumn Term 2023


In English we will be focusing on the story Hodgeheg by Dick King-Smith. This links closely to our Science unit on habitats and is a lovely story about a hedgehog who faces the dilemma of how to get to the other side of a busy road to reach the park. Children will write their own stories based on this idea using accurately sequenced sentences punctuated with capital letters and full stops, accurate letter formation and size, and descriptive language to engage the reader.

After half term we will be focusing on the book The Story Machine, which tells the tale of a boy who creates pictures and stories using a typewriter. We will then attempt to write our own adventure stories. We will also try to be as descriptive as possible adding expanded noun phrases and adverbs throughout our work. We are also going to encourage the students to use conjunctions such as; and, or, because and but in their work to increase the complexity of their sentences. Children will continue to try to join their handwriting.


In Maths we will be focusing on reading and writing numbers 10 to 100. We will be learning to estimate multiples of ten on a 0-100 number line and applying our known facts from within 0-10 to add and subtract in multiples of ten. The children will also learn to add three addends efficiently by various methods and to calculate the difference between two numbers. We will be using our maths learning in our Geography and Science lessons this term to help us explore our area and local habitats. 

After half term we will continue to work on our fluency within ten before moving into addition and subtraction of two digit numbers and beginning work on multiplication before Christmas.


To start off the new year our Geography focus is on Greater Manchester. Children will be exploring the geographical features of Manchester and comparing 2 boroughs – Tameside Vs Salford. They will explore the physical and human features of each borough before expressing their own viewpoint on which is the best and why.

In Autumn 2 we will be focusing on History. Here we will be looking at creating Non-Chronological reports on Alan Turing. This will involve looking at different sources including; biographies, newspaper articles, and videos to better understand who Alan Turing was, why he was so important and what impact he has had on our lives. Children will apply their geographical knowledge from the previous term where we researched Salford.

In Science we will be focusing on living things in their habitats. Children will learn how to tell if something is alive or not, the different habitats of plants and animals and food chains.

After half term we will be studying microhabitats, learning to plan an experiment and we will be going on a minibeast hunt.


Summer Term 2023


This half term we will be focusing on fractions. We will be learning to recognise and find ½, ¼, 2/4, ¾ and 1/3 of objects, shapes and amounts. After this we will focus on telling the time. We will first focus on telling the time to 0’clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to the hour. We will then progress to telling the time to five minutes to finally looking at different durations of time. 

In Summer term 2 we will be looking at units of measure where they will be measuring and comparing lengths and heights using centimeters and meters. We will then look at units of measure to measure and compare weight and mass then capacity and volumes.


The key text for English this term is ‘Lila and the Secret of the Rain’ which is an African folktale. Children will explore other books on this theme in reading and they will also write their own African folktale using the past tense, lots of descriptive writing and high level vocabulary. 

Next half term we will look at the text 'Man on the moon' which will link to our Theme topic 'The moon landings'. 


In our theme work we will be focusing on Geography, where children will be learning about weather and climate. Children will be keeping a weather diary in school and they will also explore the weather in different parts of the world. Children will complete the unit by writing and presenting their own weather forecasts for a typical day in Africa.

Next half term our history work will focus on the first moon landings 1969 and the significance of this event.


In science children will be focusing on everyday materials where they will identify the suitability of materials for a particular purpose. Children will investigate how materials can be changed.


Spring Term


In English, we will be focusing on the book ‘Namaste’, which tells the tale of a day in the life of a little girl from a traditional Nepalese village. We will then attempt to write our own comparison stories about a day in the children’s lives. We will be using capital letters, full stops, commas, exclamation marks and question marks effectively in our writing. We will also be learning how to write in the past and present tense. We are also going to encourage the children to use subordinating conjunctions such as when, if and because in their work to increase the complexity of their sentences. Children will continue to try to join their handwriting and have handwriting sessions each week.


In Maths, we will be focusing on shape and money. In our shape lessons we will be recognising and naming 2D/3D shapes, also thinking about their properties, lines of symmetry and making patterns. Towards the end of the half term we will look at money. Here the children will learn to recognise and count money in pence and pounds, compare and calculate amounts of money, make a pound, find change and solve problems which involve money.


In Geography, our theme is  – What attracts tourists to Kathmandu and Manchester? Here we will be comparing and contrasting the two locations. We will be looking at the human and physical features, rainfall and climate, tourism and we will finish by writing a travel guide for Kathmandu using all our new knowledge, Children will also apply their geographical knowledge from the previous term where we researched Salford.


In Science we will be studying plants.  This will involve: what conditions a plant needs to grow, the different parts of a plant, the life cycle of a plant, planting seeds and watching them grow into plants and caring for the plants using the knowledge we have learnt.


Useful Websites





Year 2

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