Attendance Policy
Attendance Policy
Parents are legally required to ensure their children attend school regularly. Parents are requested to inform the school on the first day, giving reason for absence. This allows us to authorise the absence on the school system.
From 2013, parents are no longer able to request holidays in term time. The school does not have holiday forms, and any holidays taken will be considered as unauthorised absence. If a holiday is to be taken, parents must notify the school office.
ALL holidays taken of 5 days and over could lead to a penalty notice.
Families who repeatedly take holidays in term time and pay fines can be liable to more serious action – Please see the leaflet below:
Holidays in Term Time
Attendance Leaflet
Schools have to keep an accurate school register of attendance and lateness.
Unacceptable absences have to be recorded as unauthorised absences and irregular attendance has to be reported to the Educational Welfare Officer (EWO). Failure to give reason for absence may result in you being contacted by our Welfare Officer, and fines issued accordingly.
Below are the attendance procedures followed by Godley Primary
Attendance Procedures
Attendance Procedures
Reporting Illness
If your child is ill or cannot attend school for any reason please contact the school by 09.10am on the morning of the absence. If your child has to leave school during school hours to visit the clinic, doctor or dentist he/she must be collected from the school by a responsible adult, with a copy of the appointment card.
This person must report to the office and sign out your child on the electronic system. If your child returns to school during the day, please ensure that you report their return to the school office and again sign the child in.